Biomarket of Mercabarna is the first wholesale market of organic food in Spain and the first in Europe in terms of concentration of fruit and vegetable companies. The market mainly sells fruit and vegetables, although it also sells organic multi-products: vegetables, beverages, nuts, etc. With the Biomarket, companies that sell organic food are concentrated in a single space, facilitating the distribution of products to the trade and catering. 

We were in charge of the strategy and implementation of the Biomarket’s communication and launching campaign aimed at two different targets: general local public and B2B public -hospitality, supermarkets-. 

The main objective of the campaigns was to raise awareness of the market and achieve brand notoriety, but the media planning also allowed us to achieve recruitment objectives: we attracted users to view the streaming presentation and obtained contact and interest data from more than 300 companies. 

The success of this campaign lies in having found the right segmentation to amortize the invested budget.