Museums and the Web Florence at Twitter

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We have been monitoring all the tweets with the conference hashtag – #mwf2014- since early February to yesterday (February 24th), three days after the end of the conference. Using Social Network Analysis we have analyzed the underlying relationships in the Twitter talk about the conference.

Complete graph MWF2014


The use of #mwf2014

We have

  • About 8.000 tweets
  • 1.318 users who tweeted with the hashtag
  • 617 users that have received mentions or RTs that include the hashtag
  • That makes a total of 1.596 Twitter users (the two sets of users overlap)
  • 4.212 unique relationships among those users


Some facts about the network of Twitter users engaging with the hashtag

There are 43 subgraphs, that is, 43 graphs that are not connected to each other. But most users are in the main one, being the other ones very small clusters of users. In the technical jargon, this is called the giant component.

The main component has 1.467 users (92% of the total users) whereas the second one has only 19. Most of the remaining components have 2 or 3 nodes and consist of just a couple of tweets.

From now on we will be referring to this main component. Its diameter is 7, that is the maximum distance between two users in the graph is 7, but the average distance is slightly over 3, that means that most users have a short path to almost any other users so they can make their way to them –this is one of the reasons we attend conferences, isn’t it?

This is related to other values, as the clustering coefficient (0,18), that reflects degree to which nodes in a graph tend to cluster together. And is closely related with the Small World networks, a certain graph structure usual in Social Networks in which a certain Twitter user is not connected to most other Twitter users, it is only a few steps away from them.
After that we are trying to continue the post with the minimum possible jargon to offer useful insights to all kind of readers.

 MWF2014 twitter core graph


Top Users

Top Users Influence MWF2014

MWF2014 Twitter community around svegliamuseo bamstracult palazzomadamato A closer look at the Italian main profiles and their relationships


Number of received mentions and RTs

Top users RT and mentions MWF2014

Community around Nany Protcor

Number of published tweets

 Top tweets MWF2014-2

Topics and keywords



High resolution images to download

Here you have some high-resolution images of the graph, including some zooms of interesting parts of the graph. The images are 8.144 x 6.144 pixel PNGs, so they may take a while to download.